May 21st, Monday: Day 3 Today was our first day meeting with different peace and justice groups in Palestine. At this point I should explain that our trip is following what's known as an "alternative" or "authentic tourism" itinerary - we're making a point of staying in the West Bank and meeting with locals, rather than following the "standard" itinerary that stays only in Israel and sees only the holy sites. We met with two groups today, ARIJ (Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem) and the ICB (International Center of Bethlehem, part of the Diyar consortium ). We started the day at ARIJ by attending a lecture/discussion session with one of the representatives, together with a Canadian group that was there. (You can view a presentation similar to the one that we saw here .) This session covered the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in detail from a Palestinian viewpoint, and challenged us to take these facts back to the US, sinc...
Musings on Architecture, Urbanism, and the Built Environment