While I was home the past three weeks (I'm now in California, and starting work in a few days), I worked night and day on my t-shirt quilt, which ended up being a much bigger enterprise than I had initially suspected. My special thanks go to Mrs. Geri Thomas for letting me borrow her sewing machine for two weeks!
I cut out fifty 15" squares from old t-shirts (using a total of 48 t-shirts), ironed fusible interface onto the back of each square, and then sewed all the squares together with 3" of navy sashing in between. The final dimensions for my 5x5 square quilt are around 86"x86", a full/queen size quilt. Unfortunately I was only able to finish one side of the quilt before I left, but I did get pretty far on the other side. Since I don't have a sewing machine here and it's a lot of fabric to ship, I will have to wait until I return home in August to try to finish the quilt.

The raw materials: t-shirts, fusible interfacing, and sashing (navy cloth) - plus, of course, yards and yards of thread!

Midway progress on one side: the shirts are now in strips which need to be sewn together into the final shape

One complete side!
The other side will be exactly similar in size and layout, but with different shirts. Although making the quilt has been an interesting and challenging project, I don't think I'm quite ready to take on any more sewing projects in the near future.
In addition to working on the quilt, I started organizing my scrapbooking materials to try to catch up a bit on my large backlog of scrapbooking. I plan to have my photos and materials shipped out to me here so I can work on them. My last scrapbook was for senior year of high school, so I have four years of materials to work with!

A sample of the stuff piled in my room...
I hope to start my cooking series next week. I didn't want to cook while I was home since I didn't want to tempt my family into eating pie while they're dieting! Aren't I a good daughter?
Next up: Stanford graduation!
I cut out fifty 15" squares from old t-shirts (using a total of 48 t-shirts), ironed fusible interface onto the back of each square, and then sewed all the squares together with 3" of navy sashing in between. The final dimensions for my 5x5 square quilt are around 86"x86", a full/queen size quilt. Unfortunately I was only able to finish one side of the quilt before I left, but I did get pretty far on the other side. Since I don't have a sewing machine here and it's a lot of fabric to ship, I will have to wait until I return home in August to try to finish the quilt.
The raw materials: t-shirts, fusible interfacing, and sashing (navy cloth) - plus, of course, yards and yards of thread!
Midway progress on one side: the shirts are now in strips which need to be sewn together into the final shape
One complete side!
The other side will be exactly similar in size and layout, but with different shirts. Although making the quilt has been an interesting and challenging project, I don't think I'm quite ready to take on any more sewing projects in the near future.
In addition to working on the quilt, I started organizing my scrapbooking materials to try to catch up a bit on my large backlog of scrapbooking. I plan to have my photos and materials shipped out to me here so I can work on them. My last scrapbook was for senior year of high school, so I have four years of materials to work with!
A sample of the stuff piled in my room...
I hope to start my cooking series next week. I didn't want to cook while I was home since I didn't want to tempt my family into eating pie while they're dieting! Aren't I a good daughter?
Next up: Stanford graduation!
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