Last month, J and I decided to "test drive" living in San Francisco. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time, since my urban-dweller tendencies have not exactly meshed well with living in suburban Mountain View. But since both of us work in the Peninsula / Silicon Valley, we would both have to commute south (by car, bus, or train) every weekday. So it's not a move to be taken lightly. We're looking at somewhere around 15 to 20 hours/week of commuting time for each of us. But we both find that our leisure activities pull us northward on a regular basis, so it seemed reasonable to figure out if we'd actually enjoy living in the city. We're calling this test period "The Experiment." We first tried renting a furnished apartment for a month in the Mission, but nothing looked that good, and after checking out the bike route to the train station -- involving biking up hills, under highways, and through lots and lots of stop...
Musings on Architecture, Urbanism, and the Built Environment