About a month ago, I applied for a scholarship that would have covered the cost of my architecture license (including the cost of exams and registration, approximately $2000 total). Unfortunately, I was not selected. I would like to thank everyone who helped with my application, including my colleagues at work and my fellow board members of Silicon Valley Odyssey of the Mind. I really appreciate the time you took to provide me with recommendation letters and support for my application! Next year I will no longer be eligible, so this was my one shot at the scholarship. I am still planning to go ahead with my license, so I hope no one thinks this has discouraged me. In fact, there are many reasons I think licensure is important, and I wanted to share the essay that I wrote about it as part of the scholarship application process. The essay prompt asked us to consider the role of the architect in sustainable design. Essay for the California Archi...
Musings on Architecture, Urbanism, and the Built Environment