A mere 4 months after the pumpkin roasting/pureeing/freezing of the previous post, I present to you, (only slightly burnt and disfigured) pumpkin pie! The burning and disfiguring is entirely my own fault - I stupidly placed the pie on a cookie sheet before putting it in the oven, instead of putting the cookie sheet on the rack below, which caused the cookie sheet to warp as it heated, which twisted the pie, causing it to spill... etc. Duly noted not to do that again. My pureeing could also use some work, it turns out. The pie turned out very pumpkin-y, as expected from using fresh/frozen pumpkin, but slightly chewy because of the pumpkin pieces still in it. Oh well - a real blender is on its way to help with this problem! Special thanks to Dad for his modified recipe. Meanwhile, it's spring break, hence the flurry of posts. And it's actually starting to feel like spring around here; the high today was 68, and my tree is in bloom! Let's hope it keeps it up! Last...
Musings on Architecture, Urbanism, and the Built Environment